Thursday, April 20, 2023

Onderdonk bluebonnets

When the pastures are green in the springtime
And the birds are singing their sonnets
You may look to the hills and the valleys
And they’re covered with lovely Bluebonnets.
~Julia D. Booth

Artist Julian Onderdonk (1882-1922) made a plethora of paintings starring fields of Texas bluebonnets. I find them soothing and uplifting.

Bluebonnets at Late Afternoon
by Julian Onderdonk

Texas Landscape with Bluebonnets
by Julian Onderdonk

Bluebonnets in the Misty Morning
by Julian Onderdonk

Near San Antonio
by Julian Onderdonk

Field of Bluebonnets with Trees
by Julian Onderdonk


  1. I LOVE these paintings, plus the poem rhyming sonnets with bluebonnets -- but of course!

  2. I agree...these works are very soothing. Beautiful landscapes. (And my favorite color is it bluebonnets. :-)
