Friday, October 28, 2022

Flitting shadows

Everything seemed cut from soft black velvet or gold or orange velvet. Smoke panted up out of a thousand chimneys like the plumes of funeral parades. From kitchen windows drifted two pumpkin smells: gourds being cut, pies being baked.
~Ray Bradbury

Hi y'all! Having a Halloween-y Poetry Friday. On Monday, I was diagnosed with ear infections (both ears). Glad to finally be hearing well enough to catch a squeak on the stair...

by Greg Pincus

I’m the squeak upon the stair...
Yet when you look, there’s no one there.
I’m howling winds, groaning floors,
Extinguished lights, slamming doors.
I’m flitting shadows, darkening skies,
Piercing screams, distant cries.
I’m all your fears – heard, felt, or seen.
I’m in your head. I’m Halloween.



You have until 6 p.m.! Halloween Project Call for Submissions

Haikuniverse is "seeking submissions of Halloween themed haiku (or micro-poems, or anything 5-7-5 you don’t feel comfortable calling a “haiku”)."

They say:
We’ll publish 1 every hour, for 24 hours, starting at Midnight (pacific) the evening of October 30. Deadline this Friday, October 28 at 6:00pm (pacific). Use the form below to submit your Halloween themed haiku or micro poems.

Only one poem submission per form please (but feel free to submit multiple times.)


Addendum! Last chance to sign up for the Holiday Poem Swap! If you are interested in sending one poem and gift to a poetry friend, email me at tabathayeatts(at)gmail(dot)com.

Also, I've been making wee books! The persimmon is for scale.

Jone Rush MacCulloch has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Jone!


  1. Pincus' poem has all the Halloween feels! Glad your ears are on the mend, ear infections are no fun. (understatement)
    Thanks for sharing the Haikuiverse submission call out. I'll have to put on my pointy black hat and scrawl a wee 'weeny poem.
    And your wee book! *swoon!* It could not be cuter.
    (BTW, I somehow fell off your blog email list...can I rectify that?)

  2. Thanks for letting me know about the blog email list, Bridget! I think maybe Blogger is ending it? If they told me, I missed it. My daughter Ariana wanted to start a blog and wasn't able to have an email list widget on Blogger so she went with a different site. (I thought mine was grandfathered in, but apparently not!) Anyway, I'm not sure what to do about it! I'll think on it. Suggestions welcome xo

  3. Thanks for the spooky (but not too scary) Halloweeny post. Enjoyed Greg's poem (don't remember seeing it before). Glad to hear your ear infections are better. Take care!

  4. Oh, I LOVE that poem - the "I'm in your head" is the best part. And I LOVE the books you're making; they're adorable!!!

    I hope you're feeling much better soon.

  5. Ear infections are the worst! Glad you are feeling better. I enjoyed Greg's spooky Halloween poem!

  6. Yes, blogger got rid of the list. I downloaded mine (long time ago) but have done nothing with it. Sorry about the ear problems but glad you're better. I think that Bradbury quote is from Halloween Tree, another favorite of mine from him. I have been gone much of the day so missed the great Halloween haiku call. Hope it was fun. The Pincus poem is just right - old houses do the squeaks best, don't they? Thanks, Tabatha

  7. Glad you're hearing some squeaks and feeling a wee bit better, and just in time for Halloween… 🎃 Fun post Tabatha, love the "Magic" poem and art, and your wonderful Wee Book, how lovely especially by the persimmon, it's perfect, thanks, Happy Halloween!

  8. ooooooh! Those wee books caught my eye. I've been playing with paper, too. Love it! I'm sorry you're sick. Ear infections are no joke. Stay under your covers and sip lots of tea. I love the panting smoke. It just makes me giggle.

  9. Oh, I love that Halloween poem and your wee book! Sorry you're sick--sounds like things are on the upswing. Take care! xo

  10. Love the Pincus poem, Tabatha. Glad you're feeling better!

  11. Oh, no! So sorry about the ear infections. Glad to know you're improving. Thanks for the pair of poems. The Pincus poem is perfect for this weekend. I especially love the line:
    I’m all your fears – heard, felt, or seen.

  12. I hope you are on the mend. Ear infections are not fun! Thanks for the Halloween poems and the Ray Bradbury quote. I submitted a couple poems to haikuniverse.

  13. Happy Halloween! Thanks for the Greg Pincus poem...I wonder what he's up to these days?!?

    And I'm in LOVE with your tiny book! So fun! Perfect for haiku and micro !

  14. Tabitha, I am sorry about your ear infections; they are horrible. Hopefully, you are taking an antibiotic and a decongestant, and your ears are feeling better. Your wee book is adorable! I liked those Halloween poems. Thank you for sharing. Happy Halloween! :)
