Thursday, August 11, 2022

Francis Cadell

Cadell was a left-handed painter. While a student, the President of the Royal Scottish Academy tried to stop him painting with his left hand because 'No artist ever became great who did so.' Cadell swiftly replied 'Sir and did not the great Michelangelo paint with his left hand?' The President did not respond and left the room quickly. A fellow student asked Cadell how he had known that Michelangelo was left-handed. Cadell confessed 'I didn't know but nor did the president.'
~Anne Mitchell

For Art Thursday, Scottish painter Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell. (The Orange Blind looks like the cover of a mystery novel to me.)

The Orange Blind
by Francis Cadell

Still Life, The Grey Fan
by Francis Cadell

by Francis Cadell

Croft and Cattle
by Francis Cadell

On the Canal, Venice
by Francis Cadell


  1. Love his use of white in his paintings. The Orange Blind has masterful use of silver and glass (and, I agree, the orange blind looks kind of mysterious).

    The cow in Croft and Cattle really draws the eye.

    Plus, the quotation made me grin.

  2. These are so striking... thank you for the tea-worthy break for art and Scotland inspirations!
