Thursday, August 25, 2022

A.F. Harrold

Bananas are great, as I believe them to be the only known cure for existential dread.
~Anne Lamott

Happy Poetry Friday! How are y'all doing? We've got poems today by bushy-bearded British children's poet A.F. Harrold:

{fiction, instead of lies} has the Poetry Friday round-up today. Thanks, Tanita!


  1. Thank you so much, Tabatha, for these marvelous poems, content & presentation. Harrold is new to me & I am happy that you shared him. It would be such fun to share these with students who need to know how poems can BE so many different ways. Happy Friday! I won't forget that first one especially because blackbirds are often around my home. Now, they'll be "bananas", too!

  2. This guy was hilarious, absolutely so funny. The poem about the dog having a bath was the best. As soon as I LOOKED at him - without having played a sound - I knew he was from the UK. When living in Scotland, it always amused me that such young men had this great woolly beards and looked like old sages, but no - it was just cold and they liked facial hair, I guess... anyway, this was fun, and a lovely performance to top of my Poetry Friday.

  3. Oh how delightful these poems are, and silly, and full of smiles. Love the bananas and blackbird, and the doggie rap too, thanks Tabatha!

  4. These were a hoot! I so appreciated the silly, whimsy of each one and can't wait to share them with kids. A.F Harrold is a name I'll remember. Thanks for the introduction!!

  5. Love "Say Something Nice"... I'm pretty sure my mother has the copyright to that phrase! And my little brother would've said "Your hair is like fresh bread..." -- lol

  6. LOL! Taking these to school with nice of you to share!

  7. So. Much. FUN!

    I'll never look at bananas the same way! Nor blackbirds!

  8. These are pure delight, Tabatha! A.F. Harrold is new to me and I'm delighted to meet him.

  9. Tabitha, what fun! Loved the poems and videos. I'd never heard of this poet before.
