Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Long Walk to D.C.

It's very depressing to think that you win these rights, but then you have to win them again, and again, and again, and fight the same battles over and over.
~Erica Jong

You know what I look forward to? Accountability. The rule of law exerting itself. The former president committed many crimes without accountability (so far) and various people, including Supreme Court Justices, have perjured themselves and failed to recuse themselves. It's certainly past time for action to be taken.

To my mind, it's a two-front battle. One is having repercussions for breaking the law so we don't have insurrectionists and other criminals making decisions that affect the whole country. The other is protecting rights immediately, through Congress passing the Women's Health Protection Act. Do it.


  1. Truth.
    Waiting (and waiting and waiting) for accountability...

  2. Indivisible has called for protests at courthouse across the country at 5 pm ET today.


  3. Hard to believe that the supreme court is messing with the most important sections of the Voting Rights Act. Unforgiveable.
