Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Summer Poem Swap!

Exchange is creation.
~Muriel Rukeyser

Time to sign up for the Summer Poem Swap 2022!

Want to give someone a poem and receive one in return? Want to give two, three, four, or five? The number is up to you! The swaps take place two weeks apart:
Swap #1: June 11-25
Swap #2: June 25-July 9
Swap #3: July 9-23
Swap #4: July 23-Aug 6
Swap #5: Aug 6-20
You are welcome to mail them early, e.g. if you know you will be gone during Swap #4, you can mail #4 at the same time that you mail #3. You could write all your poems before the summer starts, if you want to. You could sign up for only the very last swap and wait until August 19th to write the poem. It's up to you.

The deadline to sign up is April 30th, so send me your name, mailing address (or email address if you would rather receive the poems over email), and anything else I should know. I will send out swap match-ups in early May. THANK YOU TO MICHELLE KOGAN FOR THE LOGO ARTWORK!!

One more Muriel Rukeyser quote!

If there were no poetry on any day in the world, poetry would be invented that day. For there would be an intolerable hunger.


  1. Would love to sign up for the Summer Swap... help a luddite: how do I email you my contact info?

  2. Great! tabatha@tabathayeatts.com works. (I have a bunch of emails and they all get to me so if you see others, not to worry.)

  3. Tabatha, what fun! Since I learned about poetry swaps, I hadn't had reliable mail. Now I am happy to be able to participate. Thank you for organizing and hosting, and for going through all the possibilities to make people feel confident to sign up. I will email you.
