Monday, April 25, 2022

Picks me up, puts me down

Is this how it is?
Is this how it's always been?
To exist in the face of suffering and death
And somehow still keep singing?

Okay, about this song by Florence and the Machine. 1) I keep listening to it 2) Bill Nighy is great (you might know him from Pirates of the Caribbean?) 3) This video was recorded in Kyiv, Ukraine last November 4) It says some interesting things about anxiety 5) It's visually striking (the gray with orange! the Ukrainian traditional art background) 6) Bill Nighy really is great.


  1. This video/song is so cool on all the levels you mentioned, Tabatha.
    I can related to her anxiety though mine probably wouldn't be on the phone all the time. My favorite Bill Nighy role was from Love Actually. Thanks for the musical interlude in my day. :)

  2. Fantastic! The jiggling foot and running with coffee especially resonated with me ;) and the end (including the dedication), so touching.

  3. Really liked the song...I'll have to find more of her music. And it is even more stirring when you realize it is dedicated to Ukrainian artists.
