Thursday, April 7, 2022

Caterpillars, crabs, and eggs

I don't know which is more discouraging, literature or chickens.
~E. B. White

Have you heard of The Caterpillar, an Irish art and literature magazine for children that awards annual poetry (and short story) prizes? The deadline for this year's Caterpillar Prize has just passed, but maybe we can try to remember to catch it next year. Follow this link to hear the wonderful 2021 winner: Herman the Hermit Crab by Christine McBeth.

Herman the Hermit Crab was serious, but not all winning poems are. Here's 2017's:

by Janet Turner

Auntie Aggie liked an eggie
for her breakfast every day.
Auntie Aggie bought ten chickens,
fed them well so they would lay.

Soon these happy, healthy hens
were laying eggs by nines and tens
and Auntie Aggie began to munch
even more eggs for her lunch.

Although she wasn’t getting thinner
she started eating eggs for dinner.
Then, and this surely wasn’t right,
she drank an eggnog every night.

Auntie Aggie’s nose grew beaky
and her feet grew clawed and freaky.
Both her legs grew short and thin
and feathers grew upon her chin...

read the rest here


IMPERFECT II's own Laura Mucha also won The Caterpillar Prize (2016)!

Salt City Verse has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Janice!


  1. Somehow I think I remember this poem, but anyway, thanks for it, Tabatha, & then the page with more winners, & link for the contest next year! What a delightful poem it is. Thanks!

  2. I forgot, love that quote, too. A friend has many chickens, also geese & turkeys. I will share it with her!

  3. What a fun and funny poem! We pass many chickens in gardens on our daily walks. I love watching their barnyard antics. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  4. Yikes! I'm awfully glad to see your blog up...and terribly sorry I didn't see your e-mail last night. Oh, Auntie "crack" me up! Thanks for the link to this beautiful contest. I love it!

  5. Thank you for the reminder that poetry can be so many moods, Tabatha! And so many congratulations on Imperfect II!!! Look at you, bringing beauty into the world...xo

  6. The last line of this poem cracked (pun intended) me up! Thanks for the laugh today, Tabatha.

  7. Bawk bawk!! Thanks for the laugh today, Tabatha. Auntie Aggie is a riot.

  8. LOve this: 'Auntie Aggie’s nose grew beaky'

  9. OMG! What a fun poem! Thanks for sharing it!

  10. I love The Caterpillar magazine, Tabatha! It is a bit of an offbeat and funky publication. I sent them a poetry submission (for their magazine) in February. Fingers crossed I get a yes on one of my poems. Auntie Aggie is an 'eggcellent' example of one of their winning poems. I believe that Naomi Shihab Nye was the judge for this year's contest. Going to try enter the contest next year.

  11. Thanks for the international content today, Tabatha--I'm confused, however, about EB White's quote. I guess I find literature and chickens to be equally encouraging, at least from a distance! My copy of Imperfect II arrived yesterday! Devoting time to it this afternoon.

  12. Poor Auntie Aggie!

    I, too, received my copy of Imperfect II! Can't wait to savor every bit of it. Thank you!

  13. Hahahaha! Aunt Aggie with no pants on and feathers and claws...oh, dear. I thought my relatives were weird! Thank you for this laugh this morning!
