Thursday, January 20, 2022

La tarantella

...Of the clap
Of the hands to the swirl and the twirl
Of the girl gone chancing,
Backing and advancing,
Snapping of the clapper to the spin
Out and in--
And the ting, tong, tang of the guitar!
from Tarantella by Hilaire Belloc

A bit of dancing fun by Léon Perrault for Art Thursday:

La tarantella dance (1879)
by Léon Perrault

In case you'd like to see and hear it in action:


  1. Paola Hermosín does a fantastic job with this lively song.

    Love the fact that the origins of the dance (and thus the song) comes from it being a "cure" for a tarantula bite!

  2. Tabatha, thanks for bringing a wonderful memory back to me. My Nonnie talked about the tarantella and her beloved Italy. In grad school my end project showcased the tarantella and a beautiful bodice my Nonnie wore beside other artifacts from Italy.
