Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Life, meet Art

And from Humming-Bird to Eagle, the daily existence of every bird is a remote and bewitching mystery.
~Thomas Wentworth Higginson

We had a Carolina wren fly into the house again today (one flew in last week). It flew right past my face when I opened the door to walk the dogs. The wren landed on a lamp and then flew upstairs, ending up in the same bedroom as last week's wren. My son Dash got this funny picture of it apparently checking out a bird poster:

Another photo by Dash:

We wondered if it was the same one from last week. Here's a shot of that one (I can't tell.):

1 comment:

  1. Sure could be the same wren...I guess it likes your house (and that room in particular). Must feel like home. :-)

    Great photo by Dash of the wren contemplating the poster!
