Thursday, September 2, 2021

Grasset's Beautiful Garden

When you plant something, you invest in a beautiful future amidst a stressful, chaotic and, at times, downright appalling world.
~Monty Don

September is one of my favorite months. Lots of birthdays, beautiful weather. September 2021 got off to a humdinger of a start, though...I hope the rest of it is a bit more "hydrangea" and a little less "urgent care."*

La Belle Jardiniere – Septembre
by Eugène Grasset

* (I'm fine, we were there for Dash's knee, which is not fine. Meniscus tear? Update: It was a large bone contusion and lateral corner injury. Painful but nothing torn!!)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely poster. Interesting that it features both French and English spellings.

    I like September, too. Not only for the birthdays (one of which is mine ;-) but that it means cooler weather is coming!

    Sorry about Dash's knee...sounds like crutches in the foreseeable future for him.
