Thursday, August 19, 2021

Summer Swap Fun

I like to think that Henry James said his classic line, “A writer is someone on whom nothing is lost,” while looking for his glasses, and that they were on top of his head.
~Anne Lamott

Feeling grateful for the Poetry Friday crew today! I love the enthusiasm and generosity that Poetry Fridayers approach everything, including the Summer Poem Swap. I received beautiful swaps from Jone, Margaret, Becky, Carol V., and Mary Lee.

Mary Lee made me a haiku deck of cards with my own quotes on them! Such a fun idea! Here's a (very meta) haiku about my blog made of lines from my blog:
my one indulgence
driven by a mad impulse
you can find it here

I mentioned that I played Dungeons & Dragons for the first time this summer, and Carol V. made a poem about it!

As I told Becky, I am a sucker for poems about grandparents:

Margaret hit the nail on the head: "Because we all need more poetry in our lives"

Jone wrote responses to the poems she was sent...for example, mine, Janice's, and Mary Iphigene's. I love that!


The Apples in my Orchard has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Carol L.!


  1. A bouquet of generosity, Tabatha! Thank you for sharing your bounty of gifts with us, too. (from the generous Poetry Fridayers AND your brilliance 😊)

  2. Wonderful swaps! And we all definitely do need more poetry in our lives.

  3. Each one unique to you, Tabatha! What wonderful poetic mail to arrive in your mailbox!

  4. Tabatha, what beautiful gifts. This is such a special tradition. Thanks for sharing. I love the haiku you wrote with your own lines. What a treasure!

  5. What lovely swap gifts you received Tabitha! I love all the creative ideas generated by these fellow Poetry Friday participants! They all sought to provide something unusual in their swap. How caring and thoughtful! You are lucky to receive such thoughtful gifts! Thanks for participating in the roundup today!

  6. Thank you for sharing your treasures. I participated in the swap this year and hope to do more next year. It's so fun! I love Mary Lee's haiku deck. Such a clever idea.

  7. WOW! Look at all that poetry goodness. And, the best part? At least for me is that in the making, I keep the receiver in mind. It's so evident in those lovely gifts of poetry that the makers were thinking of you and your poems and what you enjoy. That is such a wonderful gift. Thank you for making it all happen, Tabatha! Mwah!

  8. Tabatha, as the wonderful organizer of the poem swap, I am so glad that your gifts were memorable ones. Each gift was a little treasure and I am sure that everyone who swapped with you did so we great enthusiasm. Have a great weekend.

  9. I am so grateful for your organization skills with the swap. It makes summer so fun.

  10. What a trove of treasure for your poetic dungeons. Beware any dragons who--never mind; Tabatha will always willingly share her crowns and goblets with any in need, even dragons! Your mixie-card haiku is spot on (and how could it not be?). And I agree with your voting rights leads to climate action line of thinking, of course!

  11. I'm laughing out loud at the haiku you found in your oracle deck. Truly an oracle!

    Thank you SO much for organizing this swap/these swaps. What a perfect way to build community and spotlight creativity!

  12. What a wonderful way to make virtual connections tangible! I am really loving all the oracle deck poems that everyone is sharing! How fun to take lines you've already used in poems and combine them to make yet more poems.

  13. Oooh! A D&D poem! Thanks for fostering our PF community with these swaps, Tabatha.

  14. The Poetry Swap is such a gift to everyone who participates and to those of us who get to share in the excitement more vicariously. What a wonderful selection of swaps you've received. Enjoy and thanks for coordinating the fun. I missed signing up this year, but hope to participate again in the future. Also, I love the Anne Lamott quote you started with. Thanks for the chuckle!

  15. Art, images,words and the giving of gifts. Your summer swap has borne fruit Tabatha. Poetic pearls.

  16. What treasures! How delightful, for both the givers and receivers.

  17. Thanks for sharing all your poetry swap marvels Tabatha–what fun and adventure they all are–and you bring so much delight to us all! xo Hope you are healing up too!

  18. Your gifts come back to you! Thanks for another wonderful summer poem swap.

  19. I am playing a bit of catch up. So glad that you enjoyed the poem. Thanks for adding me after you had already made the assignments!
