Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Current Inside

Imagination can be developed. Those who have little may develop much. Those who have much may develop more.
~H.W. Percival

Happy Poetry Friday! What are you up to? I've been doing birthday prep (my son is turning 23 this weekend). Sharing three poems today. The first two are by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer:

hope gets a flat tire—
the stubborn heart
starts walking


One Divining

using words
as dowsing rods—
there, the current inside


Lastly, a poem by J. Estanislao Lopez:

The Ghosts of My Past Are in Disrepair

My ghosts are faulty.
They congratulate me on my home loan.
I find refrigerator magnets often arranged as words of encouragement:
At night, I plug my ears beneath the covers, yet still can hear them bragging about their children’s, grandchildren’s, great great grandchildren’s salaries.
Life has a limited supply of graces to offer,
and I admit to squandering mine,
but they apologize for their part in my transgressions
instead of holding me to account...

read the rest here


Wee Words for Wee Ones has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Bridget!


  1. Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer is a new poet to me. I particularly love that first poem of hers that you shared. I'm off to check out more of her work. Thanks for sharing these poems today!

  2. Tabatha, thank you for sharing the poems and links. These were new poets to me. I liked reading the rest of Lopez's deep poem.

    And that first image of hope getting a flat tire and the stubborn heart walking is amazing. I'm taking that with me today!

    All the best on your son's birthday celebration this weekend.

  3. Tabatha--Happy birthday to Dash! You helped me rediscover the Rumpus, and thanks for those compact nuggets of thoughtfulness. Is it safe to go for a walk?


  4. What better way to prep for a 23 year old's birthday than by sharing 3 great poems, Tabatha! Trommer's first poem resonates with me as well, hope seems to run over nails more often than not...good thing I have feet for walking. *cheers to Dash!*

  5. Happy Birthday wishes to Dash! Celebrations help those ghosts unite in approbation, don't they? Like others above, I love the first poem, too. Every bit of hope we can find helps overcome the news. Thanks, Tabatha & have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Happy birthday, Dash!

    I love "The Ghosts of My Past Are in Disrepair." The idea that our ancestors are around us, urging us on, chastising us -- some days that is very appealing!

  7. Great choices. The first one is my favorite.

  8. I think Hope’s tire has been a long time flat. Many steady feet are now walking to where Hope wants to go. Love that poem! I read Lopez’s message to the devil following his ancestor poem. Indeed, his voice is necessary, like that of all poets, perhaps a sobrequet for prophets. Donna taught me the new word. Wonderful word for nickname!

  9. Thanks for introducing me to both of these poets and their sites! Thank goodness for the heart, especially with so many constantly flat tires–I like the voice, and the voice of Lopez in "The Ghosts of My Past Are in Disrepair," there seems to be a plethora of despairing voices out there too–reminds me a little of Emily Dickinson and some of her more conversational poems. I'm filled up, thanks Tabatha, and many Happy Returns of the Day to Dash!
