Thursday, January 21, 2021

Tomorrow and tomorrow

I don't always think in terms of Shakespeare. When I eat, I do. When I'm at a restaurant, I'll think, 'Hmm, what would Macbeth have ordered?'
~Liev Schreiber

One more Macbeth quote:
Macbeth is a very popular play with audiences. If you want to sell out a theater, just mount a production of Macbeth. It's a short play, it's an exciting play, it's easy to understand, and it attracts great acting.
~Ian Mckellen

I have to agree with Ian McKellan...Macbeth is on my short list of favorite Shakespeare plays. Maybe that's why I enjoyed this song by Andrea von Kampen so much (thanks, Ariana and Sarah!). You might catch lines from Macbeth (and Hamlet) in it:

I'm reading Anam Cara by John O'Donohue (I shared a poem by him the other day, not from the book). Here are a few quotes from it:

"Words are like the god Janus, they face outwards and inwards at once."

"If we become addicted to the external, our interiority will haunt us...In order to keep our balance, we need to hold the interior and exterior, visible and invisible, known and unknown, temporal and eternal, ancient and new, together. No-one else can undertake this task for you. You are the one and only threshold of an inner world."

"Though the human body is born complete in one moment, the human heart is never completely born. It is birthed in every experience of your life. Everything that happens to you has the potential to deepen you. It brings to birth within you new territories of the heart."


Laura Shovan has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Laura!

P.S. I had to wonder, "What WOULD Macbeth order?" and I guess it would be something fit for a king, haha.


  1. The human heart is born over a lifetime. I love thinking of it like that because it allows for changes of heart, new directions, etc. Thank you Tab! xo

  2. "Out damned spot!" Andrea von Kampen actually makes those words sound lovely. Thanks for sharing her music and O'Donohue's words, Tabatha. So much to ponder these days now that we actually can think about something other than orange stain removal. ;)

  3. Love listening to the von Kampen song, Tabatha, "And tomorrow and tomorrow" can find "new territories of the heart" - a wish for new things in 2021. Thank you!

  4. Tabatha, such lovely quotes! I especially loved the idea of the human heart never completely born. Of course that is true as we grow and change with every experience. So much to think about: words facing inwards and outwards.

  5. Wonderful post, T. LOVE that first Macbeth quote, and the last one about the human heart. And thanks for the intro to von Kampen (beautiful voice)!

  6. Those quotes leave me hungry for more.

  7. Such an arresting voice to hear for the first time ~ Amanda von K. who obviously knows her Shakespeare & weaves it with sweet wonder.

    Appreciations for sharing her & for reminding us the forward-looking, lifting thought of how our hearts are always forming. Tabatha, your posts always make me feel & think & I love them for it.


  8. Haunting song, Tabatha. I may borrow that last quote about the body and the heart for the February Poetry Project!

  9. Tabatha, your poetic offerings never fail to stir my soul - thank you <3

  10. What a beautiful and haunting song! MacBeth has always been a favorite of mine, as well. I did an independent study of Lady MacBeth in college—I loved her complexity.

  11. The song is so lovely! And that quote about what would MacBeth eat for dinner--well it made me laugh--and I have no idea what he might eat!

    John O'Donohue is one of my favorite poets and sources of inspiration. Thanks for sharing those quotes. I haven't read that book for a while, but now I want to go pull it off my shelf.

    Thanks for sharing this feast of a post.

  12. Interior and exterior wed together–a challenge worth pouring our hearts into and feeling it anew each time. Thanks for sharing some of O'Donohue's words and the lovey music of Andrea von Kampen.
