Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Sweet Treat

Life is like an ice-cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time.
~Charles M. Schulz

A beloved sweet treat for Art Thursday. We were out of ice cream yesterday so my daughter Elena took a fudgesicle and broke it up in a bowl with whipped cream and toppings (how else was she going to get to have the whipped cream and toppings?). I took an ice cream cone and filled it with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips and put it in the microwave briefly. So good.

Die Skulptur Dropped Cone in Köln
Frank Schwichtenberg

Crumbly with Gourmand the Sparrow (Kruszek z wróbelkiem Łakomczuszkiem)
photo by Pnapora

Ice Cream Cone, 1922
Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle

Pflastermosaik vor einer Eisdiele in Freiburg im Breisgau
Andreas Schwarzkopf

Ice cream shop, Burgos, Spain
Bill McLaughlin

Monkey with ice cream
Nishara Chathuranga

Ice cream display, UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site Centro Histórico, Quito
David Adam Kess


  1. Great theme for a few warm days this week. :-)

    I thought that Crumbly with Gourmand the Sparrow was delightful.

  2. Yummy delicacies you served up, Tabatha. (I don't remember if I said that once again I have no time to participate in the Holiday Poetry Swap. Some day...
