Thursday, October 8, 2020

Glück's Duck

The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.
~Jonas Salk

Even though I wasn't familiar with Louise Glück's poetry, I was happy to hear that she won the Nobel Prize for Literature. I love for poetry to garner attention, and I appreciate knowing the million dollar + prize is going to a poet. The excerpt I picked to share is basically in honor of Halloween (which was also the inspiration for my Art Thursday post...what can I say? I've been putting up lights and dressing up my dogs). This excerpt feels like it could be turned into a campfire story.

excerpt from Dawn
by Louise Glück

Child waking up in a dark room
screaming I want my duck back, I want my duck back

in a language nobody understands in the least —

There is no duck.

But the dog, all upholstered in white plush —
the dog is right there in the crib next to him.

Years and years — that's how much time passes.
All in a dream. But the duck —
no one knows what happened to that.


Haunted poems
Wee Words for Wee Ones has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Bridget!


  1. Yay for Louis Glück's Nobel achievement! I'm so glad you are highlighting her work today, Tabatha. A haunting excerpt, but maybe "I want my duck back" could be code for democracy? You can see where my mind is... ;)

  2. How wonderful that the award - and the substantial prize - went to a poet. And I like where Bridget's thoughts on the metaphor of the duck. We need more poetry - and, perhaps, more ducks - in the world!

  3. Tab, it makes me so happy to think of you discovering Louis Glück... I am a long-time fan. Check out "Aubade" from THE SEVEN AGES. xo

  4. I was happy to hear about Gluck's Nobel prize, but must admit I have only read a few of her poems. Now, of course, I must read lots more. Thanks for this sample.

  5. What a haunting, evocative poem. I think of things that disappear from our memory and feel the loss - the real dissipates like dream images we cannot hold, despite their significance. This much I know: I must read more Gluck. Thank you, Tabatha.

  6. The few poems I've read of hers always surprise me, cause re-reading and wondering. This time, having the dog in the crib next to the child and speaking a new language, so how do they know that child screams for a duck? It is wonderful about her winning the Nobel Prize. What a honor.

  7. So exciting to hear that a poet won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Thanks for sharing that news, Tabatha, and the haunted poem. The poem leaves me wondering but isn't that the point of hauntings?

  8. Thanks for sharing this! I've got some Glück today too.

  9. Thanks, Tabatha. I was happy to hear about Louise Glück’s honor. (And how nice is it that my iPhone automatically gets her name right!) I am definitely going to search out more of her work. I like thinking of you getting into the Halloween spirit all month! And I definitely want to get my duck (democracy) back, too!

  10. That "duck" has got us all…let's hope we are all as busy as that duck getting our votes in this year. Thanks for sharing Louise Glück’s excerpt–hearing the news about her made my day!

  11. ooooh, I love Irene's comment about Aubade. I need to check that out. And, I love how scary this story is...and funny. What mother hasn't had at least one version of this experience with a screaming child? And, you know the poor kid is terrified beyond reason.
    I too am unfamiliar with Glubk's work...but not for long! Thanks for the intro.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm not familiar with Louise Gluck's work either but was also pleased to learn that a poet won the prize. Thanks for this excerpt and I'm looking forward to reading more of her poetry.

    You and my eldest daughter are kindred spirits, Tabatha. On October 1st, she always announces that Halloween has begun. :) :)
