Friday, October 16, 2020

Gardens and Snow

I planned out our whole day. First we make snow angels for two hours, and then we’ll go ice skating, and then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookie Dough as fast as we can, and then to finish, we’ll snuggle.

We are in between summer and snow, so neither of these poems from Every Day Poems by T. S. Poetry Press match my weather, but they both lifted my spirits. I really love the title "The Once Invisible Garden."

The Once Invisible Garden
by Laura Foley

How did I come to be
this particular version of me,
and not some other, this morning
of purple delphiniums blooming,
like royalty— destined
to meet these three dogs
asleep at my feet, and not others—

read the rest here


On the Necessity of Snow Angels for the Well-being of the World from WisdomWay Institute on Vimeo.

On the Necessity of Snow Angels for the Well-Being of the World
by Grace Butcher

Wherever there is snow, I go,
making angels along the way
Luckily angles have no gender
and are easier to make
than you might think.
All you have to do is let go,

read the rest here


Next week, I'll announce sign-ups for the Winter Poem Swap!

Salt City Verse has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Janice!


  1. I meant to comment but sent off an e-mail instead! Anyway, I thought the snow angel poem was wonderful and appropriate for any time. As the poet says, they remain after the snow melts. Thanks for sharing, Tabatha.

  2. These are both so good! Thank you!

  3. two beautiful poems, Tabatha. Thanks for sharing. I miss the quietness of an early morning after a good snow. Enjoy your in between weather.

  4. Reading at the end of the day, it's a pleasure to have your poems to love, Tabatha. Each one shows how much we miss if we don't try to pay attention to what we really can do! "love made visible" and "keep walking", lines to remember. Thank you!

  5. What an enchanting title, "The Once Invisible Garden," and this gorgeous ending–I want to climb right in…
    "a soft, summer morning,
    seeing with my whole being,
    love made visible."
    I"m going to remember the snow angels when we are in the depths of winter… Thanks Tabatha! xo

  6. You choose perennially poignant poetry to share, Tabatha. I appreciate that you introduce me to new poets/poetry that I probably wouldn't learn about otherwise. Thank you. :)

  7. So many beautiful lines in these poems....these took my breath away.

    Luckily angles have no gender
    and are easier to make
    than you might think.

    Oh, goodness....just this is a whole poem to fall into.

  8. Thanks for this pair of lovely poems. Yes, in-between summer and snow, looking back, anticipating what's to come. "Love made visible" :)!

  9. These both, with their invisible/no longer visible ideas, go so well with Janice's Thomas Carlyle quote, about the very central essence of song, with everything else but wrappers and hulls! I'd like to meet this Buddy--should I know who they are?

    And may I say that Grace Butcher's poem reminds me of my own "Frozen Angels" from PUMPKIN BUTTERFLY?

  10. Thank you for sharing these poems, Tabatha. They lifted my spirits as well. I especially love these lines from Snow Angels...
    Keep walking,
    towards the next beautiful thing
    you will do.

  11. Goodness, I'd better remove that spam comment, although it did make me laugh. Thanks for the comments (except for that one), y'all! Heidi, Buddy is from the movie "Elf." Sorry that I didn't identify it! Our family can pretty much recite the whole movie by heart.

  12. Oh, Tabatha, these two poems lifted my spirits, too. And so did hearing from Buddy the Elf. LOVE him. :D

    Thanks, friend!

  13. Both so lovely and uplifting! Invisible Garden reminded me of Barbara Crooker, but Snow Angels was the one that really touched my heart, especially this line: "Rise carefully so as to do no harm"

  14. Sorry I came so late to your post, Tabatha. Time is not my own these days. Both poems are starting my morning with peace (so needed).
    These lines will cheer me on:
    "Keep walking,
    towards the next beautiful thing
    you will do."
