Thursday, July 30, 2020

Permission to be unsure

Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness.
~Richard Bach

More from the 2020 Summer Poetry Swap! Tricia Stohr-Hunt sent me a beautiful zentangle and a charming journal decorated with inspiring quotes. The zentangle:

Made from a page of Treasure Island by
Robert Louis Stevenson,
Charles Scribner's Sons (1909)


Poetry Papers

a book opened

come round
pen in hand

fancy words
pages filled with

nothing sure


These are not swap-related, but I've never had a bouquet of gladiolas before and I could take pictures of them all day! They look to me like "flower antlers." The little cup next to the gladiolas has cobweb spiderwort cuttings in it.

Sending healing thoughts to Ruth.

Reading to the Core has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Catherine!


  1. I love your description of gladiolas as "flower antlers", Tabatha! Thank you for sharing Tricia's zentangle and for beginning every blog post with a poignant quote. I love today's by Bach - I wish you happiness, my friend. :)

  2. Thank you, Tabatha, for this lovely post. I sorely need "permission to be unsure" lately! Tricia's zentangle is an inspiration! Your gladiola bouquet is stunning. "Flower antlers" is exactly right!

  3. Flower antlers, yes! I have a discarded copy of Treasure Island in my pile of books to craft with. You make my fingers itch to go grab a page. I love your found poem and beautiful artwork. So creative!

  4. I want to frame that zentangle and hang it on my wall! So many layers of artistry and poetry ... plus that important reminder, that calming reassurance, that nothing - connected to writing, here - is sure. Like life, it's all about the exploration and finding meaning... magnificent offering, Tabatha. And "flower antlers" is just the whimsy we need - letting nature's offerings stir gladness within.


  5. When I was a child a friend of my mother's planted a field of gladiolas every year and my mother used to have bouquets every summer. Such a stunning flower in such vibrant colors. Thanks for posting about them.

  6. THAT is gorgeous - I am HORRIBLE at black-out poems for some reason, and I'm always envious of those who do them well... and add in artwork, even!

    My glads are dying back, and I miss them already. They make the best flowers for huge arrangements - I got to make one for a large auditorium once, and it was so much fun! A lot of impact, those flowers have.

  7. Dear Tabatha!
    Such a stunning page of drawing over RLS & the find of a marked-out poem so suited to writers! Thanks for sharing.

    And your FIRST glads! I hope they are from a good event (as unfortunately they have a rep. for being associated with funeral arrangements.)

    I happen to love glads - all gladiolus make me glad as my parents raised them for fun in a huge way in my child days & they wo ribbons for their gladiolus in statewide (N.J.) flower shops.

    I too hope the hurricane does dear Ruth & her community no harm.

  8. Lovely zentangle poem. I want to make more of these. Love your flower photos. Thoughts of Ruth. Thanks!

  9. Tabatha,
    What a stunning swap from Tricia. It is filled with many artistic fancies: poetry, artwork, inspiration, and an early copy of a Treasure Island page. I now am excited to do create a blackout poem with some of my antique book pages. Poetry Papers is such a cool name for this type of creative work with old book pages.
    PS: Thanks for bringing the Poetry Swap again this summer.

  10. Oh, I love this. "nothing sure" in books OR the world. Yikes.

  11. Love your glads, especially stunning against your green drapes, other plants, and the open window. What a stunning poem Tricia crafted for you from the page of Treasure Island. I agree with others, it deserves to be framed.

  12. I love that Zentangle/poem. It makes me want to tear apart some old books and start doodling (or tangling) and finding poems. Your gladiolas are beautiful--and I love your description of them--flower antlers. They are strange and fascinating flowers.

  13. What a wonderful poetry Zentangle in execution and content! I love that ending line. I'm also having fun with some store-bought gladiolas. They're quite a bargain and the colors are fabulous. I love your "flower antler" description. I'll never look at them the same way!

  14. Fun zentangle, and so timely– here's hoping we can turn it around. Thanks for the lovely flowers, they always help! xo
