Monday, May 25, 2020

Nowhere else to go

So, I don't know what's ahead
So, I don't know
But oh, there's nowhere else to go
~Sea Wolf

For Music Monday, a fan-submitted pandemic video. Sea Wolf:
The new Sea Wolf album Through A Dark Wood came out on March 20th, 2020, just as Covid-19 was declared a pandemic and the whole world was shutting down. We all go through 'dark woods' - aka hard times - in our lives, but I never thought we'd all be entering into one together at the very moment this album was released.

Since then, I received so many messages from fans and friends saying how the album was perfect for this moment, getting them through etc.. As difficult as the Pandemic is, I've repeatedly been moved by the glimpses of solidarity we are experiencing as humans through all of this. So when it came time to do a video for Blood Pact, based on what people had been saying about the album and what I'd been feeling, it felt right to make a direct connection between the song - which is about being in a hard place and finding courage in the face of fear and anxiety of the unknown ahead - and all of our lives right now.

So in late April we put out a call for fans around the world to make something with us, by sending us video clips documenting slices of their lives during the Covid-19 pandemic. Within days we received an avalanche of videos. We were not able to include everything that was sent, but this video is made up entirely of clips they sent.


  1. What a wonderful community creation. You've got to love the "realness" of it.

  2. Hadn't heard of Sea Wolf...thanks for introducing me to them. Great song and great "accompaniment." :-)
