Thursday, April 30, 2020

Taylor's Shots

As a newly diagnosed Type 1, I would now have to attempt to do from the outside of my body, what was intended to be done from the inside.
~Meredith Wimberly

A Things I Wish You Knew poem for kids today about type 1 diabetes.

Taylor's Shots

A girl named Taylor likes to run,
likes to dribble a ball with her feet,
She likes to do things you like to do,
likes to eat foods you like to eat.

She has diabetes, the type 1 kind,
which isn't about having sweets.
You wouldn't guess she has T1D
if you passed her on the street.

Her immune system wrecks her beta cells,
so she needs shots on repeat.
Those shots contain insulin
to make her cells complete.

A kid poking herself with a needle
might seem like an amazing feat--
but Taylor is used to taking care
since it's not safe to skip or cheat.

If you're lucky enough to meet Taylor,
she's a friend who can't be beat!

-Tabatha Yeatts


Many thanks to the real-life Taylor and her parents for their input about what they wish people knew. JDRF has extensive info about type 1 diabetes on their site.


Elizabeth Steinglass has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Liz!


  1. Taylor sounds like a good friend to have. I like the line, "so she needs shots on repeat" - something people don't really realize. Thank you to Taylor for being the inspiration for your fabulous TIWYK poem, Tabatha - and thank you for the whole series. :)

  2. Thanks, Tabatha! There are so many things to know about one another.

  3. I love this. I had a friend, Ginger, with diabetes when I was in 7th grade. I wish it hadn't been so mysterious and that I had known more about it. This is a great series.

  4. Love it! And, love to Taylor. My Mom had Type 1. It's a challenge but not impossible. I love how this poem shows that. You wouldn't know if you passed her on the street.

  5. Diabetes is so difficult for children. I've known some that handled it with courage and responsibility, but we have one at our school who is sneaky about eating what she isn't supposed to eat. I don't work directly with her, but we've had meetings to let us as a faculty understand what to do. I think all children would have to learn about diabetes and other unseen issues. Sonia Sotomayor has a picture book out that is great.

  6. A close friend married someone with Type 1 Diabetes. He lost his eyesight because he was careless as a child— "it's not safe to skip or cheat" is no joke. I've learned so much from this NPM project, Tabatha. Thank you.

  7. I salute this plucky Taylor & her Family.
    With their can-do attitude, I am thrilled to think what a great life she is going to lead.
    She's already leading me.

    She has educated me, as have you, dear Tabatha.

    Appreciations for Things I Wish You Knew.

    Jan /Bookseedstudio

  8. Courage is when one does what seems scary, but helps keep one healthy. Lovely & straight-forward poem, Tabatha. Good going, Taylor. I've had two students with Type 1 Diabetes, took good care of themselves. I was glad to know about things from them & they were open with all of us, a good thing.

  9. Very succinct and poignant poem Tabatha, I like your upbeat message and rhythm it carries. I had an uncle with diabetes that didn't take care all the time. And I have a student now (when we were meeting in classrooms) who I would keep my eye on because she could change so quickly before your eyes if she missed checking her levels, thanks for sharing!

  10. It's so hard for children to grasp the scope of a chronic condition and accept the realities of managing it. I might add that it's terrifying for parents as well. I remember being in constant contact with the school nurse and my recently diagnosed T1D kiddo's mom on a field trip a couple of years ago. (Some teacher terror happened, too...we always have lots of responsibility, but that was EXTRAmuch!)

    This is a poem that will be important to share with students who have T1D, AND with their peers who need a peek into their friend's life.

  11. Your poem gives an important message. That in kids with diabetes, it's just one small part of them. They are still just kids who need to be treated like other kids.

  12. I agree with Janice that your poem delivers this essential message. It also conveys the seriousness of this illness by stating that the shots cannot be missed. I love the line "If you're lucky enough to meet Taylor."

  13. Oh yes, several of my daughter's friends have TYpe 1 Diabetes. Your poem shares so much of what I heard from them and their frustrations about what they wished others knew.
