Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sakura time

Suddenly she was seeing the buds on the cherry trees around her; she could feel the energy packed within them, a bouquet of fireworks whose fuse had already been lit. She could smell them, too, a subtle essence of pink and lollipops, the sweetness deepened by the scent of the slowly warming earth below them.
~Erica Bauermeister

I made a tea cup birdfeeder that looked cool but didn't last through the weather and squirrels. The cup isn't broken so I could remake it stronger, but it would involve me sitting for a long time holding it together while the glue hardens, so naw.

I had much better luck with cherry blossom lemonade (I made the syrup from a general flower syrup recipe, but this one is the same: Bartender's Guide to Foraging Cherry Blossoms).

The syrup smelled faintly of cherries and made a delicious lemonade. We liked it so much, I made it again. The second time, it turned out bright pink. I am not sure why. A photo from the first batch:

Here's a link to information about edible flowers. A surprising number are edible! (Make sure they haven't been sprayed with pesticide!)


  1. The bird feeder is so pretty! Too bad it didn't work out.

  2. Beautiful tea cup birdfeeder. No matter how strong you to make it, I'll bet the squirrels would still have their way with it.

    That's cool about the cherry blossom lemonade. :-)
