Thursday, April 9, 2020

Gisella Giovenco

That which at twilight had appeared to be a silvery sea-god's palace, a structure of twisted sea-shapes, was now a temple built by the cunning genies of Fire.
~Gabriele D'Annunzio

I know I posted art of Venice recently, but I'm doing it again...these silk inlay mosaics are just so lovely:

Palazzo Michiel dalle Colonne
by Gisella Giovenco

Palazzo Giusti e Ca' d'Oro
by Gisella Giovenco

Vista di Portofino
by Gisella Giovenco

by Gisella Giovenco

1 comment:

  1. These are all absolutely wonderful! And silk, too...I wouldn't have guessed, but I'm all the more impressed by his use of that medium. Gisella Giovenco is a magnificent artist.
