Tuesday, March 31, 2020


If you do what you love, it is the best way to relax.
~Christian Louboutin

What have your de-stressors been lately? I like meditations and relaxing music on YouTube (and am grateful to the people who make them available)!

I've been enjoying spring flowers.

Making pendants has helped me unwind. (I use fabric.)

I've also been mixing up some teas. (One of them is named for a place in Gaskell's North and South. It smells how Margaret Hale talks about it.)

Preston and Lucy can be calming, but I wouldn't count on it :-)

I want to check out Twitter all the time, like someone who is irresistibly drawn to looking at a train wreck, but I am definitely less stressed when I spend less time with the news.


  1. I don't have pets anymore & I miss them, but I've decided that it doesn't work for my "usual" life. Of course now that I'm home all the time, it would be lovely to pet a furry friend, walk him or her (if a dog) or just keep one on my lap. I love seeing your pictures of what helps you, Tabatha. Reading is a huge part of my life so that's one, but also getting outside, no matter the weather. I always feel better after being out. Happy Poetry Month.

  2. Flowers help me, too. We have *loads* of daffodils around our house...and we've been trying to have a bouquet on the kitchen table often. Quite relaxing to look at them and the aroma is really nice.

    Besides doing my art, I've especially enjoyed reading. I have a really good book going at the moment, and two more in the series await. Nice feeling.
