Thursday, March 12, 2020

Celtic Knots

Love does not remain within the heart, it flows out to build secret tabernacles in a landscape.
~John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

In honor of the upcoming St Patrick's Day holiday, Celtic knots:

Celtic circle and roses
photo by Dianna Ott

Monmouth ceramic table
photo by Jambamkin

Baptismal font in the parish church of St Mary Magdalene, Eardisley, Herefordshire
photo by Poliphilo

Celtic Circle Shirt
Eden, Janine and Jim

Agnus Dei, Tállara, Lousame, Galicia, a probable copy from the church of Saint Salome, in Santiago
photo by Froaringus

Celtic knot
by Nevit Dilmen

* You can read about types of Celtic knots on the Ancient Symbols site.
* Etsy has cool Celtic knot stuff like pendants, garden art, and quilt patterns.
* Make your own Celtic knot necklace.

1 comment:

  1. Celtic knots are cool...and it's quite interesting that a knot has become symbolic of all things Celtic.

    Really liked the Celtic Circle Shirt (though still trying to figure out how one would wear it. ;-)
