Wednesday, March 18, 2020

At-Home Activities

Development is a series of rebirths.
~Maria Montessori

I was asked for ideas about things to do at home with kids and it seemed like a good topic for Wellness Wednesday. What you're going to want to do will depend on the age and interests of your kids, the weather and outdoor surroundings of your place, and what supplies you have at home. So, lots of variables.

Some suggestions include: letting each child plan a day, meaning let them be in charge of the activities that day (perhaps picking one art activity, one outdoor/game/physical activity, and one cooking/food activity). You can have the first Special Day yourself to show them how it's done.

Another possibility is making a family newspaper. My younger two kids loved doing this and made quite a few. They had articles in them like "The Mystery of the Missing Keys" and "The Laundry Conundrum."

Sometimes it's fun
to take pictures of random things

They also wrote a short story about our pets and my parents' pets ("The Battle of Staunton"), which they were turning into a movie before they realized that stop-motion animation takes forever...Maybe if they were doing it now, something that takes forever would be a good idea.

Pinterest is pretty awesome for ideas, so I made a Pinterest board as a starting place for activities (see below). I also included a link to all my DIY posts.

I made this fridge magnet
based on something I saw on Pinterest

* My Things to Do At Home with Kids Pinterest board
* All the DIY posts from The Opposite of Indifference
* The Metropolitan Opera has free nightly opera streams. Fantastic!
* Open Culture has terrific resources, such as free language class links, free audio books, free online movies, and free online courses.
* Free puzzles from Penny Dell Puzzles
* Melissa Wiley has advice for people who are suddenly homeschooling
* Skillshare has tips on working from home and the link between creativity and wellness


  1. Really good advice. Another thing: time on computers in the home may have to be meted out because of WIFI overload.

    Love your fridge magnet.

  2. Tabatha, I plan on sharing your tips and links with Long Island educators. Thanks for all of them.
