Thursday, February 27, 2020

Rolling pins

There is a mystery inherent in a pie by virtue of its contents being hidden beneath its crust.
~Janet Clarkson

Rolling pins for Art Thursday? You probably think I've dropped my stopper, flipped my wicket, fruited my loops. Well, take a look at these:

Unknown maker, England, 1775-1810
Exhibit in the Brooklyn Museum, New York
photo by Daderot

Glass rolling pin, engraved with ship, anchor and words Chars. Oliver
Auckland Museum

Rolling pins, Smithsonian Folklife Festival
photo by Paulo O

Swedish decorative wooden rolling pin with the commandments of the house written onto it
photo by Martin "xarragon" Persson

MODO museum, Colonia Condesa, Mexico City.
photo by Apoptosical

A rolling pin as a monument to a local pastry-cook Dana Šupáčková, Řevnice, Czechia
photo by ŠJů


  1. I thought I smelled pie! Love these -- truly works of art. :)

  2. How cool...and beautiful (especially the glass one with blue swirls)!

    And you didn't even mention the comedic use of a rolling pin as a weapon. ;-)

  3. When I was a kid, my mom used to have one of those rolling pins that made decorative cookies. I think they were Swedish? They tasted of anise and she used to make them at Christmas.
