Wednesday, December 4, 2019


You don't need much to change the entire world for the better. You can start with the most ordinary ingredients. You can start with the world you've got.
~Catherine Ryan Hyde

I didn't start Wellness Wednesday until November 2016, so I don't have a big WW archive to fall back on. I spotted this post from 2010, though, which seemed appropriate.


I read about a generosity-based publisher on Kurious Kitty's blog. What does "generosity-based" mean? Concord Free Press gives away books with the understanding that, in exchange, the recipient will make a donation to someone in need. Also, recipients are asked to pass along the book to someone else when they are done with it.

Concord Free Press doesn't sell books (since they are giving them away), but they do sell t-shirts and posters. I wanted to show you these:

I like the reading patriot logo:

More "pay-it-forward" ideas


  1. Pay-it-forward is a great idea...and I like the Paul Revere shirt too.


  2. very nice <a href=">inspirational-quotes-about-life-and-happiness</a>
