Monday, November 4, 2019

New Pup

If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
~Woodrow Wilson

Hi y'all,
We've got a new family member! He will be 1 year old in December. A rescue organization picked him up living in a tire yard in Puerto Rico. He has a terrific temperament -- such a sweet dog. We are still settling on a name for him. It might be "George." He looks kind of like someone put fennec fox ears on a teeny tiny German Shepherd.

What does Lucy think, you ask? She's not so excited about it, tbh. He wants to do everything that she does. He barks when she barks, pees when she pees, wants to play with her toys and eat her treats. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but that never really makes older siblings feel better, does it?

Updated to add: I think we're going to stick with his original name after all, which is Preston. Also, Lucy seems to be coping with his presence better today. Good job, Luce!

One more update because awwww:


  1. Enjoy your new dog, Tabatha. He's a cutie.

  2. :) rescue's are great. He is adorable and i'm glad to hear the adjustmen is going well.

    Peace to you and your pack.

  3. What a sweetie pie, enjoy your new puppy!

  4. Just saw this—congratulations on your new sweetheart!

  5. Oooh! What a cutie! Can't wait to meet him. :) (And you!)

  6. Have fun! Glad to hear it's going well. The blurred picture cracked me up!

  7. Well, Preston looks like a winner. Our Sophie still hasn't taken to Bowie, even after four months...but Bowie is our sheep guardian dog and lives in the barn, so it sort of works out. Love those ears!
