Thursday, November 14, 2019

Charles Conder

Many anecdotes testify to Conder's gregariousness and his preoccupation with social life as well as his charming and attractive personality.
~Ursula Hoff

Works by Charles Conder (1868-1909) for Art Thursday. Conder was born in England, but was sent by his parents at age 16 to Australia to work for his uncle, a land surveyor. Despite his parents' intentions, Conder ended up becoming an artist, as you can see:

Departure of the Orient
by Charles Conder

A Grey Day
by Charles Conder

Night in the Garden in Spain
by Charles Conder
by Charles Conder

All on a summer's day
by Charles Conder

Going home (The Gray and Gold)
by Charles Conder


  1. Lovely paintings...soothing and enjoyable.

    Glad he didn't become a land surveyor!

  2. There evidently are many whose true love, art, was dismissed as folly. I'm glad too that he painted. Each one's beautiful, but I love that final one. It feels comfortable. Thanks, Tabatha!
