Thursday, November 21, 2019


If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.
~Loran Eisely

Aquamanilia (or aquamaniles) for Art Thursday. An aquamanile is a pitcher-type vessel that usually contained water for washing hands as part of upper-class meals or the Christian Eucharist. (The word itself means "water" and "hands.")

Bronze aquamanile in the form of a mounted knight
Germany, 1200s
Metropolitan Museum of Art
photo by Postdlf

Aquamanile in the Form of a Unicorn
German, circa 1425 –50
Metropolitan Museum of Art

Aquamanile featuring Aristotle and Phyllis
First half of the 15th century
photo by Vassil

Samson Aquamanile
12th century
photo by FA2010

Valle della mosa, acquamanile a forma di uccello fantastico, 1150-1200 ca.
photo by I, Sailko

1 comment:

  1. How cool! These are wonderful works of "practical" art. Especially liked the Valle della mosa one. Beautiful, intricate carving.
