Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Make the Hard Thing Easier

I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.
~Pietro Aretino

Today's Wellness Wednesday quote is from 8 Rules to Do Everything Better by Brad Stulberg:

Make the Hard Thing Easier

Willpower is overrated. Rather than relying completely on self-control, intentionally design your environment to make the hard thing easier. For example, if you (like everyone) are constantly distracted by your smartphone, don’t just turn it off — remove it altogether from where you’re trying to concentrate. If your challenge is eating healthy, instead of relying on your willpower at 9 p.m. after a glass of wine, simply keep the brownies out of the house. This applies to everything. Don’t just think about how you’re going to accomplish your goals; think about how you’re going to design for them.

How can you make succeeding easier for yourself? For other people who you are trying to assist? Sometimes it is as simple as having a reminder pop up at the right time.


  1. One of the things I try to do to deal with hard tasks is to do them first...then they're not looking over my shoulder as I do other things that are not as hard.
