Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Here's a rule of life: You don't get to pick what bad things happen to you.
~Rory Miller

On the 9/11 Day site, you can look up volunteer projects in your area so you can do a day (or more) of service.

September is also National Preparedness Month. I like being prepared, although I'm not organized enough to do all the things. What about you?

From Week 2 (Sept 8-14): Make a Plan

Make an Emergency Plan
Sign up for alerts and warnings in your area
Learn your evacuation zone and have an evacuation plan

This isn't part of making a plan, but it sort of is...what do you plan on doing as a bystander in an emergency? You Are the Help Until Help Arrives, designed by FEMA, are trainings that can be taken online or in-person. The program encourages the public to take these five steps when there is an emergency:
Call 9-1-1;
Protect the injured from harm;
Stop bleeding;
Position the injured so they can breathe; and
Provide comfort.

One last thought:

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