Thursday, September 5, 2019

Dear Poet

That's the great secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats: you make them follow you.
~Ray Bradbury

Sharing poems from Charles Ghigna's Dear Poet: Notes to a Young Writer today. These sent me off in different directions, thinking about the origins of creativity. Thanks for letting me share them, Charles!


Look in the mirror.
If you see a stranger,
write a poem.

If you see
your father,
write a poem.

If you see
put down the pen.



The path
to inspiration starts
upon a trail unknown.

Each writer’s block
is not a rock.
It is a stepping stone.


Poetry for Children has the Poetry Friday round-up today. Thanks, Janet and Sylvia!


  1. I am so looking forward to reading this book. Thanks for the sneak peek, Tabatha and Charles. Love that "stepping stone"!

  2. "The path
    to inspiration starts
    upon a trail unknown. "
    This sang to me–I like this path… Thanks for sharing Charles' book Tabatha!

  3. There is inspiration in each one. I need to get my hands on this book. Thanks for sharing, Tabatha.

  4. Another must read book! Thanks for sharing it.

  5. I have to share that stepping stone thought with my students, many of whom have taken to telling me in class, "I have writer's block."

  6. #11 -- that last stanza is so true. I'm looking forward to reading Charles' book.

  7. Thanks for sharing these, T. Sounds like loads of inspiration in this new book. Looking forward to reading it!

  8. Thanks for sharing these! I have ordered this book and cannot wait for it to arrive:)

  9. Charles's title immediately reminds me of Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke! How wonderful to think of writer's block as a stepping stone. Thanks to both you and Charles for sharing.

  10. ooooooh! What a treat. Hooray for new directions! I do love the inspiration that comes from other poets and their poems. My creativity bucket seems to like it to.

  11. Two lovely gems from Charles's new book! Thanks for pulling those to share. So lovely!

  12. Oooh! Thanks for the peek into Charles's new book. These poems are both gems! Like so many others, I love the shift in lenses to see "writer's block" as a stepping stone, I am going to add this book to my "to buy" list right now! Also, the Ray Bradbury quote is fabulous but a bit daunting. I'm pretty sure my cats are leading the way at home, not following, and I have no idea how I'd switch that about! lol

  13. I needed that nudge today, Tabatha! This poem does challenge to reflect and write. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thanks for the peek into Charles' book. I love the ending of that second one--writer's block as a stepping stone.

  15. Thank you for sharing these gems from Charles's book. I also love the idea of turning writer's block into a stepping stone!
