Thursday, July 25, 2019

Conversations with Dolly

Find out who you are and do it on purpose.
~Dolly Parton

I didn't know what I would be posting today, and then for some reason I wondered whether there were any poems about Dolly Parton. (I think Dolly is great. Her book program for kids is the bomb.)

Dolly Parton with Carol Burnett, 1980

I was very happy to find this gem from Still:

Conversations with Dolly Parton at 3 a.m.
by Makayla Gay

   she says, her voice like the
   opening strum on an autoharp,
Once you let anyone steal your sunshine
You are your own rainy day.

   She holds my head like Madonna
   and kisses my bangs.
   She reminds me how she birthed entire
   patch-worked mountains from her hips.
   She’s Gaia,
      spangled in rhinestones, hairspray
      and long, almond nails.
   She gets called trash
   but trills like you wouldn’t believe.
   Our holy mother,
     of looking like a trick and
     letting all sorts of sinners seek
     shelter somewhere.
You got mountains inside you,

read the rest here


Reflections on the Teche has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Margaret!


  1. Oh, my gosh...this is such a great poem! And, I wouldn't have appreciated this poem half so much as after reading Dumplin' by Julie Murphy. She reignited a love of Dolly that is like a hug. Yes, the reading program is the bomb! I agree!

  2. Yep, she's fabulous, & just seems to keep going. Just think, that picture is nearly forty years old! Love this, Tabatha: "She reminds me how she birthed entire
    patch-worked mountains from her hips." That holds all that she's brought to us. Love that you found this great poem.

  3. A glorious poem. So much voice! Thanks for sharing your find.

  4. What a great find! This poem is oozing with the sweetness and wisdom of Dolly Parton. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. This poem - and Dolly - are fabulous. I just discovered that our new community is part of Dolly's book program. I'm looking for ways I can support it locally.

  6. This is great! Dolly Parton was one of my earliest role models. I choreographed and danced to a song of hers in our 5th grade variety show.

  7. Like others here, I too am a fan of Dolly. She remains a relevant influence on women and the world.
    This poem takes my breath away with one remarkable line after another. I sure am glad I don't have to choose a 'best part'

  8. I love this poem, Tabatha, so full of life and zest, as Dolly Parton is, thanks!

  9. "she laughs like honey on a biscuit"

    I love Dolly for her unapologetic authenticity. This poem captures all that.

  10. There is so much love and wisdom in this poem! These lines are my favorite: "Once you let anyone steal your sunshine/You are your own rainy day." Thank you for sharing this with us, Tabatha!

  11. Oh. yes. indeed. I am very guilty of judging Dolly since I was way too young to understand why I was doing it. That *uote however recently appeared on my Sunday service bulletin and I found new respect (not to mention Miley) and now this poem? Oh. Yes.

  12. I so appreciate how you always introduce me to new poets and interesting poems. This is wonderful! There are so many rich, fabulous lines. Like Catherine, I'm partial to the homespun wisdom of "Once you let anyone steal your sunshine/You are your own rainy day." I'm now off to check out Dolly's book program. Thanks for a great post! PS--I simply adore that photo with those two mega-watt smiles!

  13. Tabatha, coincidentally someone at church told me about this today:

    So cool! Did my previous comment get to you?

  14. Wonderful poetic tribute to one of my life-long heroes. (I was born in east Tennessee, after all...) And you're one of my heroes, too, Tabatha - thank you for sharing!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing this poem. It's a fun, wonderful poem about an amazing woman

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this poem.HealthTip4u
