Thursday, May 23, 2019

Unknown until it is finished

My parents elected me president of the family when I was 4. We actually had an election every year, and I always won. I'm an only child, and I could count on my mother's vote.
~Condoleezza Rice

I wonder what Condoleeza did as president? Did she offer longer recess? I'm an only child, but we never had elections. Hope you enjoy this excerpt of "Only Child" by Dennis Nurkse. Click the link to read the rest.

Only Child
by D. Nurkse


In the park the child says:
watch me. It will not count
unless you see. And she shows me
the cartwheel, the skip, the tumble,
the tricks performed at leisure in midair,
each unknown until it is finished.

read the rest here


More by D. Nurkse:
The Chime
Psalm to Be Read with Closed Eyes

Doing the Work that Matters has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Dani!


  1. This poem today connects with me at a profound level Tabatha. Just under two years ago my son's partners had babies three days apart and I became a grandmother. I've been fascinated watching these two little ones grow and realizing how much learning goes on inside their young minds.

  2. What a great poem, Tabatha -- so beautiful and loving. And Rice's quote is wonderful. I'd vote for you. :)

  3. I like the Psalm poem - the idea of ignorance carrying me sounds so restful. :-) Thanks for introducing me to this poet!

  4. Love the ending with the seesaw--what a perfect way to capture the child's power.

  5. Apparently I elected Jama to say everything I was going to, so now I guess I don't have to. Funny thing is, I don't even remember voting!

  6. I like the seesaw and the power the parent has passed on to the child and the "power of the formula."

  7. I was an only child for about 2 1/2 years until my little brother came along, but I don't really remember what it was like. I love the poem, though. It doesn't count until you see me is definitely a familiar refrain from little ones--even if they have siblings. And I love that story /quote from Condoleeza Rice--I wondered who her dad voted for?

  8. I wasn't an only child until my brother went to college, and then, when I finally had the singular attention of my parents, I found I didn't have much to say, having listened to my brother all my life!!

  9. I was the youngest, which left me an only child once my older brothers left home. It was nice to have all of my parents' attention, plus more lenient parents who let me get away with far more than my brothers did!

  10. I understand why you chose this, Tabatha--well, so many reasons, but the "leisure in midair,...unknown until it is finished," speaks loudly to me too. (But I may be hearing something different than you are!)

    Thanks for collecting all the poetry printables in one place. I'll be bookmarking that to share with teachers all year!
