Thursday, May 9, 2019

The baton has given the signal

Happy Poetry Friday! I don't often have my act together enough to talk about holidays in a timely way. And today is no exception. I wanted to show you how to make poetry-themed tea bags because I thought they might be a pretty Mother's Day gift, but I don't have any coffee filters to make a sample one. Here's what they look like (minus the theoretical poetry I was going to have):

I didn't make these!
This image is from the instructions page.

Moving on to a couple of poems, plus a reminder that this is your last chance to sign up for the Summer Poetry Swap.


“lands” from Salt
by Nayyirah Waheed

My mother was
my first country,
The first place I
ever lived.


excerpt of To Think of Time from Leaves of Grass
by Walt Whitman

It is not to diffuse you that you were born of your mother and father,
it is to identify you,

It is not that you should be undecided, but that you should be decided,
Something long preparing and formless is arrived and form'd in you,
You are henceforth secure, whatever comes or goes.

The threads that were spun are gather'd, the weft crosses the warp,
the pattern is systematic.

The preparations have every one been justified,
The orchestra have sufficiently tuned their instruments, the baton
has given the signal.

The guest that was coming, he waited long, he is now housed,
He is one of those who are beautiful and happy, he is one of those
that to look upon and be with is enough.


The Poetry Friday round-up is at Elizabeth Steinglass's blog. Thanks, Liz!


  1. Tabatha, these poems are beautiful, and thanks for sharing the craft idea as well.

  2. Tabatha, I am in love with these! And how much do I love that you posted anyway, sans poetry?? Unfinished projects are the story of my crafting life. :) So much love to you -- and I adore the Summer Poem Swap logo. Gorgeous! xo

  3. Oh my, I forgot about the swap-eek! Love the teabag messages. They would be fun for poetry lines. And both poems are loving, but I especially like that "first country" image. Thanks, Tabatha!

  4. Thanks for the poems, and of course I LOVE those teabags! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. I need to figure out how to make these tea bags before the poetry swap. Love the poems you posted, especially the first one. Why of course, my mother was my first country. This is a wise thought.

  6. I think of my mother more as an island than a country... or maybe a territory. :) Still love that poem, though. And since my dad is the tea drinker, maybe I can still get those poetry tea bags made before Father's Day!

  7. Love the poems, Tabatha, as well as the teabag idea - I'll need to do that one of these days for my wife! Wish I could take part in the Summer Swap, but just too busy with books manuscripts. Enjoy the rest of your spring!

  8. Tea, poetry--oh yes, please! I'm glad you shared them and the Whitman poem. It's been a while since I've read it, but does this one resonate.

  9. Tabatha, I was gobsmacked by Nayyirah Waheed's poem and Whitman wouldn't sink in after it. Just wow! I went right away to my library page and put Salt on reserve. Thank you so much!

  10. I especially like the "Have Tea and Let it Be–these are fun teabags, what a clever idea I just might have to try it out… Thanks for the moving poems too!

  11. Oh my gosh, I feel that way all the time! I started my earth day poem ON earth day. I can never seem to get my act together to start in advance. I'm so glad you said you do that too and shared anyway. : )

  12. I am a tea drinker. This is a wonderful idea! Wouldn't they be fun to pair with haiku poem? Since we're talking about tea, I noticed Whitman's mention of diffusing! "It is not to diffuse you that you were born of your mother and father,/ it is to identify you."

  13. Oh, my goodness...teabags! What a great idea. Thanks! I've been paper-crafting and these are perfect for a project I have coming up. Happy Mother's Day to you. Isn't motherhood the most intense ride? I love it and am baffled by it and always feel like I'm taking a test. Wouldn't trade it for anything. It's made me who I am. I am so grateful to the children who made me their mom.
