Thursday, May 30, 2019

Pickled Beauty

One of the smartest things you can do on 'Chopped' is to take one of those ingredients and make a pickle out of it, because almost every dish benefits from that.
~Ted Allen

Here at Art Thursday, the topic possibilities are endless. I am not sure what made today's subject come to mind, but I have been thinking about food photography because my daughter's boyfriend and I are working on a low histamine cookbook (which will not include pickled items, as vinegar is out of bounds for my daughter's low histamine diet).

Have you tried pickled vegetables other than cucumber? Have you tried pickled fruits? You can pickle anything (as the links at the bottom will explain).

Gulerødder og bolsjebeder med estragon og æbleeddike
By cyclonebill from Copenhagen, Denmark

Skansen w Sierpcu
By MOs810

Views around Teyrawa Bazaar in Erbil
By Levi Clancy

Melothria scabra frais mis dans un bocal en vue d'être lactofermenté
By Corey Ryan Hanson

Barrels of Pickles, circa 1945
By OSU Special Collections & Archives

Kostroma Market 14 Pickles
By michael clarke stuff

Marv med syltede grøntsager
By cyclonebill

How to Pickle Anything
A Formula for Perfectly Pickled Fruits and Veg
6 Quick Pickle Recipes with Fruit

1 comment:

  1. We've only pickled cucumbers, and not any fruit, BUT we've done Mock Apple and Mock Pineapple pickles. These are made with cucumbers and spices/juices and they really do taste like apple and pineapple. They're quite good. :-)

    The photos in this post are very nice, by the way.
