Thursday, April 25, 2019

Summer Swap and NSN

I trade musical favours like cattle. I can't remember the last time I did a remix for actual money. For me, I try and get a good swap.
~Calvin Harris

Logo by Elena (third year she's done the logo!)

We are swapping poems again this summer! Would you like to receive poems on real pieces of paper in your mailbox? You know you would. If you sign up, you'll send an original poem to up to five people depending on how many swaps you select. You can pick whichever swaps you want, and if you want to do one but you will be gone during that time period, you can send it beforehand. I will send out the info about who you are sending your poems to early enough that you can get a headstart if that works for you. Here are the swap dates:

Swap #1: Ends on June 21st (Send out a poem by then)
Swap #2: Ends on July 5th
Swap #3: Ends on July 19th
Swap #4: Ends on August 2nd
Swap #5: Ends on August 16th

If something happens and you can't do a swap you signed up for, please give me a heads-up so we can make sure the person you were assigned still gets a poem.

Email me at tabatha(at)tabathayeatts(dot)com by May 10th if you'd like to join us.


The second thing is that I was wondering if anyone would be interested in participating in a Naomi Shihab Nye-themed round-up on May 31st. (Remember when we did the Billy Collins-themed round-up?) If you like the NSN idea, just share a poem inspired by her or a poem of hers on that day. Mary Lee will be our gracious host.

I guess what made me think about a Nye-themed round-up is some general thoughts I was having about poems about poets. I'd like to make a list of our poet poems -- have you written any? I don't know whether I've written any beyond the Billy Collins ones. I will have to root around and see what I can find. If you have, feel free to send me the links and I will compile them.


Beyond Literacy Link has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Carol!


  1. all! I have been waiting for news of the swap. I've got a special piece I've been working on just for this swap. But, I'll e-mail you so that I can join in all the swaps. Thanks so much for hosting! I really get a charge out of all the creativity and excitement within our swaps.
    And, count me in on NSN celebration. I'm intrigued and intimidated at the thought that I could write about her. But, I'll give it a go. You're tops, Tabatha!

  2. I also say YES to your challenges, Tabatha. I love your Summer Swap and was sad that I could not be part of the winter one because I enjoy mail and especially ones from poet friends. Thank you for organizing two wonderful events.

  3. I'll be in touch, Tabatha. I love your idea about the Nye poems. She is a favorite! You create such nice ideas! Thank you!

  4. Timing is perfect! I posted about one of my earlier swaps on the blog, today. I'm in for two, please. The first and the last. (July is going to be busy, so I'm glad it stretches either side of that!) Love the pop of colour for the logo, Elena!

  5. LOVE Elena's logo!!! I'm probably going to have to pass again on the swap, though. :(

    May 31st is a DMC wrap-up day, but I can at least link to NSN's interview and my own poem that was inspired by her. For that matter, the wrap-up for NSN's ditty challenge has a ton of poems inspired by her!

    By "poet poems" I assume you mean poems that actually mention a particular poet? Hmmm, don't know that I have any of those... unless you want to include the one I wrote in tribute to Lee Bennett Hopkins? Might not be what you had in mind!

  6. Tabatha, hello, wonderful one.

    Yes on the poetry summer swap & Yes on the NSN blog round-up.

    Soon you will have my email identifying my deadline week for the swap.

    I don't want to miss out on the NSN celebration either, as her work has long lifted me up. Such a welcome idea!

    But it's fair to alert you that I would want to give you my link early & post early on Bookseedstudio.
    Much of that week, including 31 May is fortunately a big celebratory time in our family with various events & comings & goings.
    I doubt I can post at my blog that specific day but likely a few days early. OK? Hope so!

    Many appreciations.

  7. I'm going to pass on the poem swap, although I do like the idea. Last year, as part of the April poem a day challenge, I wrote a poem called Under the Influence that references poets and poems whose work has influenced me. If you are interested, you can read that poem here.

  8. Hi Tabatha, great logo! I love the colors. I once wrote a cinquain for Adelaide Crapsey. Here's the link.

    I agree. You have such lovely community-building ideas.

  9. The Summer Poem Swap is a highlight of my summer. I also want to participate in a tribute to Naomi. She has my heart, for sure. When you say poet poems, do you mean a poem "after" another poet or one that is written about that poet? Thanks!

  10. Lovely Summer Swap logo by Elena! Yes to your Summer Swap will fill you in on the dates soon. And Yes to the Nye round-up. Would golden shovel poems work as poet poems, I have a handful of these, and a couple where I mention a poet. Thanks for pooling us in for another poetry swap Tabatha!

  11. Hi all! Thanks for your enthusiasm for the swap and the NSN round-up and the poems-about-poets idea! To clarify (if this does indeed clarify it), I imagine putting say, "Emily Dickinson" as a category heading and then after it, linking to y'all's poems that relate to Emily, either because they are about her or inspired by one of her poems/in her style. If they are about more than one poet, I could put it in more than one category. (Does that sound good?)

  12. Glad I read to the end of the comments! I do indeed have some "after" poems. I'll send links when I sign up for the summer poem swap!

    Thanks for initiating the NSN-themed week. I'll add that on the Kidlitosphere Poetry Friday page (and start thinking about what I can do for a bang-up hostess post!!)

  13. Thank you for all you to to build our community even stronger. I do want to jump in to the summer poem swap--at least one. I will send you an email shortly with which one. I love the idea of a NSN poetry day. It's going on the calendar, too. Now to choose just one poem for inspiration to share. That will be hard.

  14. Hey, did you know something we didn't? NSN was just named the Young People's Poet Laureate!

  15. Oh, no! I missed the swap! Darn it all! I saw it and wanted to ponder a bit before signing up. Oops. Spent too long pondering! lol I guess it wasn't meant to be! I'll definitely be thinking about the Naomi Shihab Nye theme though. Glad to see that before it happened! lol
