Monday, March 18, 2019

Here, take my sweater

The greatest respect an artist can pay to music is to give it life.
~Pablo Casals

For Music Monday, a song that brings back fond memories. My older daughter sang it for me one year for Mother's Day or my birthday (neither of us can remember which) and my younger daughter sang it for the school talent show this year. It was perfect for her voice. (My son has never sung this song, as far as I know. The last song I can remember him singing in public was Locked Away.)

Ingrid Michaelson:

Someone made a kawaii version:


  1. What a lovely song! I can see why your daughters chose it, Tabatha.

  2. Tab, I can imagine how meaningful to hear this from your daughter. SWEET. xo

  3. Very, very nice song...sweetly sung. And I just know that your daughters did it justice. :-)
