Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Emotional First Aid

Failure is so common a human experience that what distinguishes us from one another is not that we fail but rather how we respond when we do.
~Guy Winch

For Wellness Wednesday, checking out a TED Talk about Emotional First Aid. After I saw this video, I read an article about resilience and now I'm being resilient like doing emotional first aid on yourself?

One thing that surprised me in this TED Talk was when Dr. Winch talked about rumination, which is when we get stuck going over something negative (like when we get in a fight or something embarrasses us and we relive it for days). Dr. Winch said that when you feel like you're starting to ruminate, a two-minute distraction is enough to keep you from getting stuck in that rut. Good to know!


  1. I've just finished reading his book... I recommend it... the only problem is, it seems to be out of print. But maybe you can find it in your library or read on a Kindle, etc. But... lots of good advice in there.
