Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Dreams in progress

You do not need to know anything about a plant to know that it is beautiful.
~Monty Don

Lately I've been a wee bit obsessed with the BBC show Big Dreams, Small Spaces. In it, Britain's most famous gardener (Monty Don) helps people realize their gardening dreams. The spaces they are working with are generally not only small, but pretty much a wreck, too. It is inspiring to see them following through and creating beautiful, personalized gardens. I feel like I've learned a lot from the show and can sort of imagine what Monty Don would advise me about my own plants.

Big Dreams, Small Spaces is on Amazon and Netflix

More Monty Don videos:
The Secret History of the British Garden Part 1: 17th-century
How to create a wildlife garden
How to grow lemon balm and lemon verbena

Have you ever seen The Great British Bake-Off? I loved that, too. I feel like if you like GBBO, you might as well try BDSS and vice versa.


  1. Really good info on this show. Interesting to see Monty Don roll up his sleeves and help sometimes. :-)

  2. As an environmentalist and a nature lover, I really appreciate Monty's efforts.
    Hats off to you, Mr Monty Don !!!. The show is really very informative for all the gardeners including me. Just wanted to share list of some medicinal and aromatic plants and wanted to know wheather it can be grown in a small space garden or balcony ?

    Please share your valuable feedback. Thanks !!!
