Thursday, February 28, 2019

Old friends and lollipops

First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.
~Thomas à Kempis

I'm done with peace poem month! (My "I'm done" song!)

My poem for the last day:

reassuring smile
in the mirror
oldest friend

My poem for Kortney at One Deep Drawer:

has a
lollipop middle --
a floaty, sticky
swirl of color,
Have a little lick
and it will lift
you upright.


TeacherDance has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Linda!


  1. I didn't make it at all, Tabatha. Congratulations on your writing all month for peace. Your final poem is a new idea for me for 'peace', but it is truth. I like your poem for Kortney, too, that 'little lick' is something we all could use.

  2. Yay for you and completing your month of peace poems! You ended with a gem!

  3. Congratulations on the peaceful project - I don't think I would have the creativity to bring it home.
    And I like both of these so very much. Especially:

    "Have a little lick
    and it will lift
    you upright."

    So visual a thought & stirs my taste buds, too!

  4. "it will lift
    you upright"
    Another post that lifts the spirits today! And I love yours...peace begins and ends within.

  5. Congrats on finishing peace month. Of course I love the lollipop poem! Your last day poem is perfect too. Yes, oldest friend :).

  6. Tabatha, I have read your hope poem several times to savor a bit delicious line. Peace!

  7. "Hope has a lollipop middle" is a wonderful line! Such a joy-filled way to describe hope.

  8. Congratulations on finishing peace month! You've created some beautiful poems along the way. This one is great! I love the line Margaret mentioned and also all those "l" and "i" sounds at the end.

  9. Way to go, Tabatha! That is a beautiful bit of discipline and creativity, to have met your adventurous goal. Thank you for this wonderful, cheering lollipop poem and for the so-true mirror poem - hats off to you!:0)

  10. Tabatha, forgive me for somehow missing the overall purpose of your February posts--such a wide-ranging idea of peace. Your last day poem packs a gut-punch of------
    peace. You are gifted indeed to have your oldest friend be so reassuring.
    I'm sorry to hear that A had to use her Epipen. I hope it worked the way it was supposed to, and I thank you for the illness art posts. See you soon!

  11. That's an enchanting poem, Tabatha - there is sweetness in one's hope for peace.

  12. I love the optimism of both of these poems, Tabatha. I need to remind myself about your advice about hope more often. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Love your lollipop poem Tabatha, it's delicious–and it definately "will lift you upright!" I also liked the peached quote by homas à Kempis, thanks.
