Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday Bits

A few bits this morning:

Karen shared a poem of mine yesterday: Imaginary Billy and I Discuss the Founding Documents

I read a book over Christmas Break that was described as "unputdownable," which I laughed about before I started it but darn if I didn't have a hard time putting it down. I bought the sequel but I'm afraid to start it. Does that happen to you?

My younger daughter volunteers sometimes at a historic home and this morning I drove her to help out with their booth at a special event. At previous special events, she's demonstrated how to use old typewriters and rotary phones, things she didn't know how to use herself before the older volunteers showed her. Me, this morning: You'll have a time travel advantage over other people your age. They won't be able to blend in. E: That's why I'm doing it. Prep.

Speaking of time travel, I kind of time traveled in 2012 to interview Edna St Vincent Millay. The interview came up this week, so here's the link in case you missed it the first time.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Great bits! I love how you gather material. And, that Billy Collins poem is a winner. Will you submit it anywhere? It needs a wider audience.

  2. Your Billy Collins poem is brilliant. I imagine even the real Billy would approve.
