Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Use as needed

I suspect that we are all recipients of cosmic love notes.
~Sam Keen

Sometimes I don't know which way to go with Wellness Wednesday because I'm not sure what you need this week. My younger daughter came down with a stomach bug last night, so I mostly need electrolyte recipes and permission to nap. But what is on your plate? My Australian friend Kat just told me about the bushfires that recently blazed through her area and how stressful that experience was (thank goodness for rain!). I ended up going with a little bit of a bunch of things...use as needed:

Smoke pollution from fires:
* Fire Support: Herbs for Lungs and Trauma

DIY Electrolyte drinks:
* 4 Homemade Electrolyte Recipes

* Gratitude Journal: 67 Templates, Ideas, and Apps for Your Diary

* Study: Tetris is a Great Distraction for Easing an Anxious Mind
* Relaxation Apps

* Nick Cave on death and grief

* Amaretto Cream Truffles (I made them Sunday and had planned on using amaretto extract, but at the last minute I decided on strawberry. TBH, I couldn't taste the strawberry, but the truffles were still a hit.)

Anything you want to add?


  1. Tabatha, you should listen to John Green's praise of Tetris as an anti-anxiety aid on his podcast, The Anthropocene Reviewed.
