Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Sweet Solstice

We can use any situation, any moment, to come home.
~Tammi Sweet

Winter Solstice by Liga Eglite

In addition to being a massage therapist and an herbal medicine practitioner, Tammi Sweet has taught Anatomy and Physiology for many years. I've taken online classes from Ms. Sweet about various health topics. Not talking about anatomy and physiology today, though. Tammi suggests "Setting Your Intentions for Winter Solstice." She says:
The medicine for many of our modern ailments is not complex, nor does it require expensive interventions.

The simple act of pausing and bringing your full attention to the moment allows your entire being (including your nervous system) to reset, to come into the gorgeous present and remember what is important.

Here are Tammi's summarized suggestions regarding setting your intentions on the shortest day for the upcoming year:
Practice gratitude
Put down the distracting electronics
Go outside
Give yourself space, without an agenda
Be present to your surroundings
Look around at something bigger than you
Feel what’s present
Offer kindness


"The Yule Log is Prepared" by Orin Zebest

Mocha Yule Log recipe

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