Thursday, May 17, 2018

Poem Your City

There's nothing people like better than being asked an easy question. For some reason, we're flattered when a stranger asks us where Maple Street is in our hometown and we can tell him.
~Andy Rooney

found this when I looked up "hometown"
photo by Hieu Viet Nguyen

A Twitter hashtag from this week -- #PoemYourCity -- resulted in a bunch of wee poems about hometowns. Here are a sampling (I was prone to noticing ones that mentioned writers):


Rev Spunky Blumpkin wrote:

This tag for some will be hard,
However, I'm from Dumfries,
Home of The Bard.
(he included a photo of Robert Burns)


Andy‏ @andymcphalanx 18:

Come and show me another city with lifted head /
singing so proud to be alive and coarse and / strong and cunning.
#poemyourcity has already been done pretty well by Carl Sandburg, I'd say


LisetteInBlue💫‏ @bookgirl8 7:

Here is all you need to know:
We don't have a Trader Joe's.


Jared M. Gordon‏ @JaredMGordon 4:

Consider my city if yours are all flops
I'll be your tipster
But when a city gets two olive oil and vinegar shops
It's reached peak hipster.


Garrett Moe‏ @Garrettmoe 4:

Other cities might be more fabulous
with just cause to walk with a strut
but out here in Indianapolis
at least we had Kurt Vonnegut


Carl Lamy‏ @carllamy 37:

Baltimore, Charm City
The City that Reads
If only the Orioles
Could hold onto a lead
Go O's!


Just Another Pretty Face:

I'd tell you my city,
but witness protection forbids me.


Sloth Reads has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Rebecca!


  1. What a fun exercise! I'm going to work on my own city poem. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for sharing the new hashtag #PoemYourCity, Tabatha. I am going to check this out. Thanks for your wonderful offering (painting and ekphrastic poem) for my spring gallery.

  3. Such fun to read each one's words, Tabatha. I love the one without a Trader Joe's. There was such celebration here when ours moved in!

  4. This is such fun! I may have to give it a try.

  5. Thanks for sharing these -- so much fun!

  6. What fun to read! I laughed at the one without a Trader Joe's... we have 2 within minutes of my home. I need to remember to give this a try.

  7. Such a hoot, Tabatha.
    Thanks for filtering to us ones that reflect writing + writers &
    for alerting us to the #PoemYourCity idea. I think it will be
    good with students, too.


    Kids here are bright
    kids here are sassy
    it's what we expect
    in Tallahassee.
    c. 2018JGA

  8. Haha, nice poems. Sometimes I get bored of my city - perhaps writing a poem is a way to think about it in a different way.


  9. For 10 whole months
    It rains each day
    And I am not sure why I stay,

    But when the sun
    Shines on the sea
    This is the only place to be!

    A little #poemyourcity for my hometown of Vancouver, Canada!


  10. I love these city poems. What fun! Too bad nothing rhymes with Bowdoinham! lol

  11. These are fun Tabatha, thanks!

    We seem to get
    stepsister rap,
    but scrap that trap.

    Cultures high in
    Fair Chicago–
    Come, then you’ll know …

  12. These are great! I will have to go and peruse the hashtag. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Here where I live, we're all dying for a Trader Joe's! Go figure...

  14. I love this idea to #poemyourcity! This could also work for a school as in #poemyourschool! It's almost the end of the year, and I'm already excited for next year. Thank you.
