Thursday, April 26, 2018


Sometimes, she thought Scotland was more than a country, more than a rough and magnificent land with a border created by men, written on a map, and defended for hundreds of years. Scotland was almost a living creature that could turn and bite your hand if you didn't speak about it in fond and loving tones.
~Karen Ranney

How did I pick today's Art Thursday theme? I saw a photo of Plockton and thought it was lovely. So here we are, looking at a wee town in Scotland.

photo by Bryan Ledgard

Daddy Highland Cow
Sandy Sieczkarek

Cottages and Cabbage Trees in Plockton
photo by Nessy-Pic

Plockton, Scotland
Andrew Murgatroyd

photo by Brian Gillman

Thatch Roof Plockton
photo by Brian Gillman

Duncraig Castle, a Plockton B&B...would love to stay there!

Cape Breton Oatcakes (yes, Cape Breton is in Canada not Scotland, but they are Scottish oatcakes and also I love them wholeheartedly so here's a recipe) (They may be an acquired taste?)


  1. Lovely place, Plockton...looks like a nice place to visit.

    Especially liked the photo with the Red Hot Pokers in the foreground.

  2. Gorgeous. I might have been on the internet for um, a few hours, last night looking up places in Scotland and Ireland - we're taking our little family "ancestral" tour there SOOON! Not venturing quite that far into the Highlands, but I can't wait. Thanks for sharing! (& also for my contributor copy of IMPERFECT!! - featuring a thought or two and a poem or two for PF. :0) )

  3. I may need to visit the museum of mistakes. Sound interesting.

  4. My husband is in the process of manufacturing an invention for the film industry. It's quite the ride I tell you. Today I needed to the Edgar Guest poem.
