Friday, April 6, 2018


All things are literally better, lovelier, and more beloved for the imperfections which have been divinely appointed, that the law of human life may be Effort, and the law of human judgment, Mercy.
~John Ruskin

I'm celebrating IMPERFECT, the mistakes anthology for middle schoolers, all month, and especially on its release date: April 20th! The cover of IMPERFECT has a kintsugi vase. Here's a pretty print that explains kintsugi (click to embiggen):

Mistakes can be tragic, useful, or anything in between. These mini riddle poems contain famous mistakes...can you name them?

Fleming's neglected dish
turns a moldy blue-green --
bacteria killer!

I always run late...
maybe I should fix my watch
for important dates

Keys left back on shore,
binoculars stay locked up --
iceberg spotted too late.


The Poem Farm has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Amy!


  1. Exciting to have the anthology out, finally, right? I love your riddles and know them: penicillin, Alice's rabbit & the tragic Titanic. What fun!

  2. HURRAY, and your cover is gorgeous. I have a greeting card with the same type of imagery on it that I've had framed, because the concept is so lovely. May we all bind our little cracks and mistakes in gold, to be not just whole but AMAZING.

    I'm familiar with Fleming, but now I'm going to do a bit of research to see if the Titanic is related to that last little riddle...!

  3. Tabatha, I am so excited for you to have your book out and about this month. I guess my one little mistake was to miss the deadline for offering poems for your book. I will backtrack to read more about the anthology.

  4. I think I solved all three of your riddles--thanks for making me feel smart today!

  5. Sounds like a fascinating anthology. Congrats on the new book.

  6. Ah what fun–sounds like Linda beat us all to the punch … love the kintsugi bowls, and am waiting patiently for the book, how exciting! Having fun following all the updates on the Imperfect blog also, thanks Tabatha!

  7. Fun riddles! And, I love how you are building suspense....I'm learning lots from you, Tabatha! Great job on the pre-launch. It's a lot! But, so worth it, I think in the end. We shall see. I'm so looking forward to the 20th!

  8. My sons, who I adopted when they were seven and nine, have struggled a lot. Years ago, a friend sent me a card with a picture similar to this one, to remind me that someday, they would be stronger and surer for all the times they had been broken. I love this image. I really want this book to share with my seventh graders. I'm sure there is a link to order it, but I'm not seeing it. I checked Amazon too…

  9. I love your enthusiasm, Carol!! Thanks so much! The release date is April 20th, so you will be able to order it then! I will be hosting Poetry Friday on April 20th and I will make sure the link is available.

  10. Your riddle poems are such fun, Tabatha, and the Freya & Bloom print is gorgeous! Can't wait for the 20th!

  11. Fun riddles...important book.

    As human society moved ever into the AI age, the innovations needed are now the most HUMAN ones, including the beauty we can find in mistakes.

  12. I love how creatively you're approaching the release of the anthology. I can't wait til the 20th!

  13. Great topic, and I enjoyed your riddles.

  14. Love the kintsugi print and the theme of your new anthology. How exciting that release date is coming soon. Congratulations!

  15. Congratulations on the anthology! The cover is stunning. I figured out all three riddles--what fun!

  16. Can't wait to see the anthology! :-)

  17. This is such a wise and needed book topic. I love your riddles and so look forward to the book. Sometimes our mistakes humanize us...sometimes they lead us to something new and wonderful. That print is gorgeous. Happy near-publication-date! xx

  18. I'm with Buffy. It's nice to feel smart now and again. :) Will be on the lookout for mistakes to write a mini poem about this week! Actually, I just thought of a personal one from 5th grade. Maybe I'll use that one.

  19. Congrats on the anthology. I can't wait to read it. Imperfect is such a great topic.
