Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sound and light

Real haiku is the soul of poetry. Anything that is not actually present in one's heart is not haiku.
~Santōka Taneda

Sentry by Chris Burke

Haiku by Polish poet/artist Maria Tomczak today. I'm grateful to Maria for giving me permission to share these with you.


storm in the mountains –
a clap
from every side


cricket chirping
the silence between us
finally broken


moonless sky
a crow separates
from the night


the lingering silence
after diagnosis


chemo center door
she strokes the sunlight
in her wig


winter field
the crows devour
the last light


hand-knitted scarf
the length
of her sleepless night


wind treading
the summer grass


These haiku originally appeared in The Mainichi, Frogpond, and Akitsu Quarterly. They also placed in the Little Haiku Contest, European Quarterly Kukai, and Shiki Monthly Kukai.


The mistakes anthology for middle schoolers is collecting poetry submissions through November 1st.

The Poem Farm has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Amy!


  1. These are all great, but
    hand-knitted scarf
    the length
    of her sleepless night

    is truly excellent!

  2. Oh wow, I love that fresh look at crickets. :) And instead of the overused grass as sea, "treading." They're all wonderful. Thank you!

  3. I too am loving the crickets - or mayhaps it's the use of 'finally' that gives it so much weight. And yes, that scarf!

  4. Oh, my goodness....these are incredible. Thank you to your friend for giving permission to share. I was reading these as separate moments until riptide. Then, a/the story emerged. So many loved ones are on the other side, the silent side of cancer. These really just grabbed my heart. Thank you, Tabatha for the bitter sweet beauty of these haiku, today.

  5. These haiku are breathtaking! Thank you--and thank Maria--for sharing the with us. They illustrate the quote at the beginning of you post perfectly.

  6. Beautiful and heart-breaking. I like that definition of haiku.

  7. Masterful haiku. Wow, just wow. The handknitted scarf, crows devouring the last light, and the riptide stood out for me. Thanks for introducing me to another new poet!

  8. These are so varied in mood and utterly haunting, Tabatha - thanks for sharing.

  9. These are so moving! They intimate a story. This one hit me extra hard:

    hand-knitted scarf
    the length
    of her sleepless night

  10. Wonderful--both the haiku and the opening quote (Anything that is not present in one's heart is not haiku--love that.) The cricket chirping and the hand-knitted scarf ones resonated most with me.

  11. Wow - especially poignant for me as I'm typing this from Orlando, having come down to be with my mother as she navigates cancer treatments. The crow poems and that knitted scarf particularly catch me. Thanks to Maria and to you for sharing. (And that opening quote...- I wish you could have been with us in April in Georgia to hear Stanford M. Forrester's talk on Santōka Taneda; you would have so appreciated!)

  12. These two:

    winter field
    the crows devour
    the last light

    hand-knitted scarf
    the length
    of her sleepless night

    So lovely.

  13. "hand-knitted scarf
    the length
    of her sleepless night"

    This haiku feels like it grew naturally from the ground–like rich soil, it's deep and profound. Thanks for sharing this rich collection of Maria Tomczak's haikus, Tabatha!

  14. Between you, Maria and Robyn this week I'm all inspired to try some haiku again. These are lovely and poignant: the crow separating from night and devouring the last light; the sunlight in her wig, the length of her sleepless night. Hope you're getting good sleep, Tabatha.

  15. These are exquisite. Thank you for sharing all of them. And this perfect quote - going right into my notebook. Gratitude. Peace. x

  16. moonless sky
    a crow separates
    from the night

    I adore this one!
