Thursday, August 10, 2017

In my mailbox

To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.
~Phyllis Theroux

A poem wallet from Irene

I love pulling the mail out of the box and finding something exciting inside. This summer has provided a bounty of delights. (I'm not including everything that everyone sent because it's a lot of photos already and I want to give you a good look at poems.)

From Carol Varsalona:

From Buffy:

From Joy, who enjoys correspondence more than just about anyone I know:

From Michelle Kogan:

From Irene, who used a book as her springboard:

From Robyn, who used a map of my locale for her clever steampunk critter:

I also shared the poem I received from Iphigene earlier.
A bonus shout out to my friend Amanda who sent me a care package of some of her handmade soaps.

One last quote:

Alice Adams wrote a sweet note to me after my first novel came out when I was 26, and I was so blown away that I sent her a bunch of stamps by return mail. I have no idea what I was thinking. It was a star-struck impulse.
~Anne Lamott


Reflections on the Teche has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Margaret!


  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful offerings, Tabatha. Such creative friends! There is so much inspiration here. May you feel the love, with such gifts as care packages, hugs, prayer and whatever else the universe offers.

  2. What a bounty! Thanks for sharing, and THANK YOU for dreaming up and guiding along the Poem Swap gloriousness year after year. XO

  3. What poetic and artistic treasures!

    I love, love, love the quote about sending a bunch of stamps on an impulse--it absolutely tickles me!

  4. Tabatha, you received many fabulous poems that were so creative. Thank you for sharing mine as well. I am delighted that you continually host the summer swap.

  5. Such treasures from everyone, Tabatha. Each one must have been a lovely surprise from that mailbox. It seems you've brought back slow mail love! And the quote about sending stamps is fun. It was kind of a wish from Anne Lamott, wasn't it, for more?

  6. What a full treasure chest you've received Tabatha, yin yang comes to my mind, thank you for giving us all these opportunities to share our poetry! Each one is enchanting! (thanks for sharing mine)

  7. The summer poetry swap brings nothing but Joy to our mailboxes and our hearts. Thanks for all you do to make this project what it is. Hugs!

  8. What wonderful poetry the swap has revealed. I love getting the packages and unfolding all the magic that everyone was kind enough to send me. Thanks for organizing this. Such fun.

  9. Anne Lamott kills me! She's so HUMAN. There's hope for us all. :) And oh what beauties in your box! And all thanks to you, my dear. I'm so grateful for these seasons of swapping... really, really a blessing. xo

  10. What lovely treasures have made their way to you this summer. Like smooth stones on the beach or ripe blueberries on the bush. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  11. There's just such joy in finding something in your mailbox that someone has made themselves, it's like they infused it with a bit of their spirit, to share themselves with you. :)

  12. You must have been running to your mailbox this summer. What a treasure trove of creative energy you found there! Thanks for sharing it here.Oh, and I loved both of the quotes you shared--I think Annie Lamott is a national treasure herself!

  13. What lovely treasures to find in the mailbox. Each poem (and its accompanying artwork) is delightful.

  14. Amazing riches! There's so much imagination and thought put into each of these. Thanks for shepherding us through another summer swap!

  15. Thank you for sharing all the creativity! It looks like so much fun!

  16. This exchange just gets better and better! These are all so rich!

  17. Thank you for sharing these! Irene's is my favorite - I think I'll share it with my students.

  18. How rich you are. I love each one! Thank you for sharing your inspire a star-struck sending in many. Have a great week, Tabatha!

  19. Mmmmmm! and appears I did not get the memo about making sure to send an extra SPS to Tabatha, to thank her for her instigations every summer and all year long.

    Let me rectify that...

  20. Heidi, you're so sweet, but that's not what happened :-)! I did five swaps plus an extra with Iphigene because she got started late, and then Joy is a prolific correspondent so that is a bonus gift. Thank yous not necessary!!!
